
Monday, June 18, 2012

Astral Travel Pets

Original publication date: February 1, 2011

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Can our pets astral project? Our pets already sense spirits such as dead relatives and ghosts. Astral travel is knowingly performed through humans controlling the location and scenery in the astral plane. Nonetheless, pets have lucid dreams as well as nightmares. Are pets able to astral travel?

I've seen dogs lightly barking while having a dream. You can suggest they're having a nightmare. What about an animal taking part in astral travel? Are our pets intelligent enough to astral travel? The answer is a middle ground between whether a pet wants to travel outside of their comfort zone or accept their dreams as a part of their existence. Astral travel requires a strong mind willing to accept the events experienced in the astral world.

A pet must have a desire to astral travel. Most people will identify their pets as intelligent animals. But, are their pets intelligent enough to knowingly astral travel to another astral world beyond this physical world? In my opinion, there is no way to know whether a dog, cat, or a hamster can astral travel to another dimension. However, pets can sense spirits that are around the house. Their hearing senses are much more advanced than human hearing senses.

It is quite possible that a pet can astral travel to escape a high pressured situation such as a beating, an owner experiencing danger, and other stressful situations. According to Richard Webster, his astral travel books are mostly written to convey astral travel through the human experience. There is no recollection of  past experiments monitoring or detailing pets who astral travel. How would humans know if their pets astral projected? Honestly, I believe pets can astral travel. They probably have astral projected many times without knowingly understanding the experience.
Maybe Michael Vick's dogs astral projected to leave the intense fighting events. As humans survey pets, there is no way in knowing whether they astral travel unless we compare their brain waves to humans who engage in astral travel. Conducting experiments on pets who astral travel make for some great research. Comparing animal and human brain waves can determine whether astral travel is possible in the animal world. As advanced as our scientists are in the present time, they real don't have the answer on the astral plane, death, and the afterlife.

Do I think a dog, cat, elephant, bear, and any other animal can astral travel? Yes. I believe our pets can astral travel. Why do I think so? They have minds they're able to control. Astral travel requires a strong, clear mind to experience uncontrollable and controllable events. Dogs, gorillas and monkeys are the most intelligent among the animal species. I believe dogs can astral project into an astral world. They might not understand astral projection, but they can probably control their mind in the astral plane.

In order to prove whether dogs can astral travel, researchers will have to test their brain activity to that of humans who astral travel. Dogs are capable of astral projecting into another astral world beyond the physical realm. Stressful events in the physical world can force pets to astral travel to escape the pain of reality. Why do I think this?

One time, we took a husky dog, Gracie, for a walk on the beach. The dog watched me swing a stick against the dirt. She didn't initially react to my actions. Nonetheless, when we returned to the car, the dog wouldn't let me pick her up. I couldn't get near her without her growling at me. She was a rescue dog that was taken out of a shelter home at 4 months old.

The first time I held her as a baby, she trembled in fear. However, she sensed I was not going to hurt her. When we left the location, she never climbed up to the window to watch her dog friends. She feared this rescue home as well as her former home. On the way back home, I spoke nicely to her. I gave her water and pet her fur softly. Gracie always remembers me, and will never bark at me even when I don't see her for years.

I also remember the cross-country road trip driving Gracie from San Jose to Orlando, Florida. She was so stressed out, constantly using the restroom every few miles. When we reached the Flagstaff, Arizona mountains, the environment stressed her out the most. Gracie fears loud noises such as fireworks. She doesn't enjoy driving in cars that much. She dislikes the forest. That indicates she is dealing with some type of post traumatic stress disorder experience, which has reduced since she has lived with a loving family for 7 years now. Stressful events relating to PTSD can trigger past episodes.

Gracie settled down once we reached Houston, Texas. She was able to reduce her bathroom frequency. I can tell you that driving cross-country with a dog is not an easy experience. When I reflect back on Gracie's actions, I believe she is capable of astral travel. The dog demonstrate her animal senses that are well beyond human senses. She has even sat in a chair like a human. I wish I could have taken the picture of her doing this to post here.

Most dogs are capable of astral travel. They can probably astral project into waking world. You won't see their soul in its human form. This is no research to suggest that dogs can't astral travel. Thus, researchers are skeptic to believe human are capable of astral projection.

Do I think a pet can astral travel? Yes I do. Our pets and other animals can astral travel like humans. Astral travel is a phenomenon that is not entirely proven and understood. Nonetheless, many people can demonstrate astral travel through sharing events while astral projecting into the physical world. In essence, an animal and humans can have an out-of-body-experience through astral travel.

Written by Jason Allen Goodlin

1 comment:

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